Ancient Future Solo

Production Year: 2020 - 2021
Release: A sound-choreography workshop for adolescents that produced 8 solo video-dance performances and a collective live performance. Produced by the Athens Epidaurus Festival 2021. Choreographer: Marianna Kavallieratos
Medium: Live electronics & fixed media for dance
Documentation: Website

Ancient Future Solo was a choreography-sound workshop that spanned for 9 sessions. Adolescents aged 14 to 17, were called to explore and create a solo dance piece. Antigone and Helen were chosen as a starting conceptual point, from there on, each participant, through guidance, made their own artistic decisions, composing a short sol dance piece. The music was made in collaboration with each participant, discussing, the form, sounds, textures and density that’d better corresponded to their piece. The 8 dance works were documented as video-dance performances due to COVID-restrictions. The temporary lift of the restrictions at the summer of 2021 lead to a live-performance, where all the participants worked intensively as a dance group creating a new piece, longer in form, and presenting it in-front of a live audience on September 2021.